
Home » Machinery » Dewaterers

Our equipment

Aggregate dewaterers consist of a series of trays or screens that are placed one on top of the other.The wastewater is poured over the trays, and the sands and heavy particles are retained in the screens.

The water passes through the screens and is collected in a lower tank.

El agua residual se vierte sobre las bandejas, y las arenas y partículas pesadas se quedan retenidas en las mallas. El agua, por su parte, pasa a través de las mallas y se recoge en un depósito inferior.

Instalaciones leblan en zaragoza

Wide range of applications

  • 9We offer a wide range of aggregate squeegees to adapt to the specific needs of each application.
  • 9Our dewaterers are designed for maximum efficiency, safety and strength.
Instalaciones leblan en zaragoza
Instalaciones leblan en zaragoza
Instalaciones leblan en zaragoza

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